Thought Patterns


In Thought Patterns, a series of prints on paper, text becomes the threads from which to generate woven structures. I use my knowledge of weaving and the repetition of phrases across the page to create resonating patterns. These lines of text are quotations excerpted from conversations with women activists throughout the San Francisco Bay Area. Conversations took place in people’s homes, sometimes over a shared meal. This process continued to unfold slowly over time, as each woman I spoke to recommended others with whom I should speak next. Intimate exchanges about political action and daily life became the raw material for the production of new systems—embodied on the page and in a social fabric.

Installation May 2013

Print your own book excerpts from  An Encyclopedia of Embodied Politics, first edition  (print double-sided, instructions for folding here)

Social Security, Cassie Thornton

Body-based Therapy, Zara Zimbardo

Representing Difference, Nia King

Spaces of Appearance, Hannah Appel 

Lineage : Armor, Gina Acebo 

Movement Epistemology, R (unnamed)

Thought Patterns: Twills


Thought Patterns: Twills is a series of prints on paper that draws on a mythology of weaving as a subversive language of women. Here, words that might otherwise be left unspoken become the threads from which to generate woven structures. I use my knowledge of weaving and the repetition of phrases across the page to create resonating patterns.

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